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Chairman of Malabar College Of Engineering And Technology

Technology is changing today faster than any time in memory. This is attributed to the Global economic competition and rapid technical advancements. To be in tune with this changing scenario, we at MCET a Unit of the IQRA educational and charitable trust provide the right ambience to attain excellence in Engineering education through appropriate infra -structural facilities, combined with qualified and experienced faculty, well established Library and state of the art Laboratories.

The hard work and transparent ethical practices of the faculty, coupled with the creative intellect of the students help to synergies the efforts of all the Departments to pursue the vision of a strong and vibrant Engineering Institution.

Education is a complete world in itself, just yourself and your mind and the thoughts, a way of life almost for you are on your own, to ingest, digest and apply the knowledge consumed

MCET ensures an erudite environment for every aspiring scholar. Our aim is not to create mere professionals, but world citizens who contribute in some way on the other to enhance the respective fields of Science and Technology. We have grit and are undaunted by obstacles. Our perseverance and trust in the younger generations would unfailingly generate professional’s par – excellence.