Rules Regulations
Students need to be regular and abide with the rules set by the college punctual to the classes.
Students must be punctual to the class.
Students should be present at the lecture halls 10 minutes before the class commences.
Students should indulge precise order and stringent silence inside lecture halls, laboratories and workshops.
Observation notepads should be brought to the research laboratory classes. Records of experiments done in one particular class should be submitted in the next laboratory class.
Assignments assigned to the students should be delivered before the due date for evaluation of internal assessment marks.
It is kept as a mandate that students should maintain a Minimum of 85% attendance in each semester.
Students should take written permission before absenting their classes. Failure in this aspect will be informed to the parents.
Each student will be delivered a unique identity card. They should wear college id daily inside the campus and for attending any meetings outside the campus.
The student should be present at the laboratory classes with the specified laboratory coats.
The internal marks are assessed strictly based on the percentage of marks secured by the students in the above tests / examinations/Assignments/Attendance.
Its kept as a mandate for each student to attend all tests and show good academic progress. Consistency in writing the tests is essential to permit each student to earn a acceptable conduct certificate at the concluding of the course.
Students involved in malpractice in the test would be debarred for the rest of the tests / examinations. Such case of malpractice in the University Examinations will be brought to notice to the University.
Ragging and eve-teasing in the college campus and hostel premises are banned as per the order of Govt. of India. Indulging in ragging and eve teasing will attract punishment as
Quality circle is a system followed at MECT to get feedback from the student of every class. The principal along with the HOD of the department concerned meets 10% of students from each class. Their representatives also will be present. Students are picked out at random. Real sharing of views and suggestions are collected during the session. The students contribute free and frank opinion about the academic and non-academic environment in the college. Their expectations and disappointments come out without fear and favour. Their teachers are also evaluated constructively bridging gaps in information transfer. This process of interaction benefits both the learners and the lecturers on one side and the management on the other.
A staff member is in-charge of 20 students. On admission to the college, each student is assigned to a Group Advisor/Tutor from the department concerned. The group advisor keeps records of all academic and Co-curricular activities and family details of the students under his guidance. A file containing the photographs, personal and academic details is maintained by the advisor/tutor. All applications for leave, scholarships, certificates etc. are to be forwarded to the principal through the group advisor.
All students, regardless of caste, creed and community, will be given instruction in value education. We at MCET believe that mastering the syllabus alone will not produce a perfect individual. Moulding eminent and ethical leaders in society needs proper instruction and guidance from scholars in different fields. From time to time, students get opportunities to listen to men of proven quality.