IQRA Educational Trust was established in 1990. The aim of the Trust is to provide support and guidance to junior and secondary pupils in Islamic Studies and the provision of supplementary education in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum. With the help of Allah (SWT) and continuing commitment from the Trustees, IQRA Education Trust has now opened two schools with subjects taught at GCSE level. These include English, Urdu, Mathematics, Science, Islamic and Qur’anic studies. Trust aims to advance the education and training of children and young people in Waltham Forest, London (area of benefit)
in particular but not limited to, the provision of classes in National Curriculum subjects, community languages and the English language.
Second Objective of Iqra Trust is to advance the education and training of adults, in the area of benefit, in particular but not limited to, English Language classes which are aimed at aiding smooth integration into the community and increase their chances of finding suitable employment.
IQRA Educational Trust’s philosophy is to infuse a sense of self respect and confidence within pupils, as well as encourage respect and tolerance for their peers and fellow beings. The Trust’s aim is to help foster and create community cohesion in the school environment, and wider society in general. The schools also strive to meet the academic need of the students and their quest for Islamic knowledge. To motivate the students a reward system has been introduced for Key Stage 1 and 2. Students who excel in these stages and who continually exceed the standard we have set are rewarded with the support and encouragement from the teachers.
Lastly to provide financial assistance and resources to schools and students in Muslim countries in need.